What up Julian? Good work dude. What up Sam Black Church? Oh fuck yeah. Let in Life!
Check out their site, and if that book comes out, you should probably buy it.
What up Julian? Good work dude. What up Sam Black Church? Oh fuck yeah. Let in Life!
Check out their site, and if that book comes out, you should probably buy it.
What up Julian? Good work dude. What up Sam Black Church? Oh fuck yeah. Let in Life!
Check out their site, and if that book comes out, you should probably buy it.
Here are a few facts about Ceremony as they pertain to me AND hardcore, in general.
– I have only “seen” this band play once. It was at Posi Numbers 2005 and I probably missed actually watching them because I was too busy listening to morGODo talk about his roast beef not being refrigerated. He thought it was gross, but that didn’t stop him from eating a ton of deli slices. Something about getting protein before getting a good pump. You know how morGODo rolls.
– Everyone has a million and one good things to say about this band. Alternative Press thinks they are going to blow up in 2008. You can’t stop seeing their name in text on message boards. It’s crazy.
– Kids like to mosh.
Fuck, that last bullet has nothing directly to do with Ceremony — Maybe distantly because I’m sure kids love to mosh when this band plays. Seriously, a two item list is barely worth making a list at all. Give me this one, ok?
As for this album, I’m not sure I see it. After all the hype, I was expecting my head to be blown back, like full on fall over in amazement. It didn’t happen. This album is chill but it comes off as Integrity Lite to me. Way less evil. More Motorhead, less Ringworm.
Do you remember the first time you listened to the Systems Overload cd on Victory and the demo tracks came on at the end? That shit BLEW MY FUCKING MIND. Literally. I was blown back. And then listening to Those Who Fear Tomorrow. Well, fuck. Mind numbing good. This album IS good, but I think the hype overshadows it for me. My expectations were unfairly raised. Sorry boys.
I will say this, they have some damn fine looking tshirts. Great merch coming out of that camp. Head over to b9 to grab some or paw around on ebay for some recent limited tour gear. I’m sure they had a gem or two at Sound And Fury. Word.
Charles at Get Outta Town Records and DEA have collectively lost their minds. I’m sure of it.
DEA is a no-bullshit hardcore band out of the Sunshine State’s capital, Tallahassee, a city filled with drunk frat boys, money-grubbing politicians,and not enough straight edge hardcore. After their much anticipated self-released “Demo 2008”, DEA put their heads together and recorded a six song EP of all new material that is sure to catch the ear of all lovers of fast, pose-free hardcore. Teaming up with Florida’s Get Outta Town Records, DEA and GOT Records are taking a new approach at promoting their sound by releasing the songs FREE for download! Call them crazy (literally, call them on the phone and call tell them that), but they think it’s better to get their message out and just have fun. The download includes the 13-song record “Good Guys” (Original demo plus new EP) and full album artwork. The entire download will be available on the Get Outta Town Records website on July 29. Don’t miss it!
_www.myspace.com/deastraightedge_-DEA and Get Outta Town Records
So there you have it. They’ve lost their minds. Either that, or they love hardcore and are in it for the music not the moolah. Weird.
As part of my recovery, my mouth was wired shut for 6 weeks. Yeap, 6 whole weeks. You saw what I ate, how I ate. Well, here is the last meal I had blend. Yay. I believe it was a strawberry fruit and soy smoothie.
And here’s a shot of my mouth on a face only a mother could love. You can see the wire that held my jaw in place. That wax prevented the wire from cutting up my lip. Good stuff.
Then the wire came off. I was pretty freaking stoked. Of course, my mouth muscles had atrophied and I could only open my mouth so wide. I have a measuring device that I use to check on my progress. Before surgery, I was a 53. In this picture, I am a 20. This is a face only a wife could love.
I no longer was forced to drink from a straw or through an enema bottle. But that didn’t mean I was ready to shred a burrito. Nope. My mouth wouldn’t open wide enough for that. And also, my jaw didn’t really recall how to chew so well. But here is my first “solid” meal. Note how happy I am.
For the curious parties, it’s bbq tofu (pan fried tofu smothered in trader joe’s bbq sauce. You may or may not recall my love of trader joe’s bbq sauce. I still have 3 bottles left. Only 2 are unopened). For the most part, I ended up sucking it off the straw, mashing it some with my teeth/gums and swallowing it semi-whole. Good thing those pieces were cut up small. I don’t think I could have fit anything larger than 1″ cube in my mouth at that time.
Please also note the goodfoot shirt. I strongly suggest you support this store AND brand from the great white north, Canada. They always come strong with product and their in-house brand is always at the top of it’s game. Check their site, and if that isn’t good enough, hit up ebay for some gear you may have missed.
hed pe is apparently “the best hardcore band around!” as seen on amazon.com. Believable? No. Ten Yard Fight once said, “We Know the Truth!”
Here’s how I see it. If you have ever been through Boston, you’ve probably heard WBCN radio. It’s located around 104.1 on your old FM dial. Back in the mid 90s, they played the cutting edge in alternative and punk. Lots of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Green Day, … whatever was hot and upcoming. Fast forward 15 years later, they still are playing the same (now) stale, fart rock. Seriously, listening to that radio station is like traveling back in time. So much Weezer, Smashing Pumpkins, blah blah blah.
WBCN also LOVES to play Sublime, 311 and that song by Cracker (the about being a stone, NOT being stoned, maaaaan). The connection to HED PE is tenuous, but it is there. You know why? HED PE sounds like a mixture of those 3 bands, at least in my mind. Or maybe they sound like the vibe WBCN puts out when they play those songs, especially when played back to back. Please tell me you know this vibe because it is seriously hard to describe without using one million words.
And somehow, the term “hardcore” keeps getting thrown around. “American Hardcore act (hed) p.e….” How is this hardcore? I don’t get it. Or maybe still, they don’t get it. It’s like when your weird cousin thinks you like jungle or house because you talk about hardcore. “Oh, like happy hardcore, maaaaaan?” No. That’s the closest connection hed pe has to hardcore – your weird cousin.
That’s it for me. I’m going to listen to Youth Of Today now. Peace.
Needless to say, I was psyched all week. I just got it back today, and the ride is smooth! Now let me give you the back story that lead to my “deep” karma discussion.
It all started about 3 weeks ago. Summer was here, and I wanted to get out and ride my bike. Of course, I don’t own a bike. That was the problem. The wife and I began visiting every LBS (local bike store for the uninitiated). I would peruse the bikes and even got a kid to measure me out. I’m a 56cm if you are curious. We went to every bike store I can think of in the area. We even hit up the big city of Boston (and got an ill vegan shake too). Most of those bikes were out of my price range. I had loot but wasn’t willing to blow my load on some super fancy bike. I just wanted something I could kick around on.
I also began lurking ebay and craigslist religiously. I would check once an hour on a busy day. And every 20 seconds on a slow day. Maybe not that often, but DAMN often. I came across a ton of viable bikes. Some were super expensive, some required ridiculous shipping. Most items on craigslist were “sorry, already sold” or not the right size.
I kept digging. I soon started looking at fixed gear and single speeds. I figured a mutt/conversion would be less expensive than a fancy road bike. I did plenty of digging, checked out bikesdirect.com and all those sites. Saw some good deals, but nothing that jumped out at me. The one item that came highly recommended was back ordered (it’s available in my size now, fyi).
Then one day, Casali asked me if I wanted a Wishingwell logo shirt. He knew some guy who was selling one. I told him I couldn’t buy one (despite how awesome it looked) because I was focusing all my loot on a bike. He was surprised and asked what kind of bike. When I said “road bike,” it all started “coming up Brian.”
He commented that his brother in law left a road bike in his basement. He couldn’t ride it because it was too small for him. Too small for the brother in law, not Casali. A bike too small for Casali would assuredly be too small for me. This was his brother in law who I remembered was a semi-giant. I asked what kind of bike it was. He told me “it was only rode twice and not for a very far distant.” Not exactly the answer I was looking for, but apparently the bike was in the basement. He didn’t want to go down there just then.
He eventually went down and came back. It turns out, it was a Specialized Allez bike. Now that frame is probably a $800 setup. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to drop that kind of loot right then and there. I asked him what size it was. He didn’t know. He didn’t want to go down to the basement again.
I drove home in a happy fog. I found a bike in my friend’s basement but wasn’t sure if it was my size. On the ride home, I got a text from Casali. “56” Who could fucking believe that? Then later, he told me the brother wanted $500 for it. Bike, cage pedals, clip pedals with specialized sneakers, helmet, gloves and a roof rack. I was a little astonished. I didn’t really want the rack and threw back $400. The brother accepted then tossed in the roof rack “just because.”
I drove down the next night and picked it up. And the last bit of karma, the sneakers were size 11.5-12. Yeap, they fit like a glove.
And now the previous karma post is explained. Full circle.
ps. If you have a fixed gear bike in a 56-58cm and want to trade for hardcore vinyl, I’m game. Hit me up.
Duh, I love Bane. I don’t have this hood. I have the tshirt, but not the hood. I’d like to get this hood. I was outbid in the last minute.
I love this design. The front has the pocket X print. I wasn’t too keen on the navy blue or the yellow front. It wasn’t worth $70 to me.
I have this shirt. I almost shit my pants when I saw the final price. Holy crap, who knew?
C’mon, no bids? Wack. Less than 6 were printed on pink shirts. They were gags, basically. Somehow, they all were printed on XLs. Try to think of one giant friend who wants to rock a pink HYE? shirt. D’oh!
Not my size, but one of the limited Savier Trainers I need to complete my collection. If they had been cheap, I would have scooped. Obviously not cheap.
Just a little single speed/fixed gear conversion. Like Freddy Mercury said, “I want to ride my bicycle.”
I was pretty stoked on this little guy. Good bike, barely used. And I could have drive to pick it up. When it was under $250, I was stoked. When it bumped over $390, I blew it off. Wasn’t worth that much to me.
Wait until you see my latest pickup. Its coming soon. Getting tuned up as we speak. Freddy Mercury would be proud.
1) If someone is religious, I let them be. I’m not pushing my non religion on people, and I hope they aren’t pushing their religion on me. I let them do their thing, and I hope they let me do my thing.
2) When an animal or pet dies, some part of me knows they are going to a better place. Is that hypocritical? Maybe. But just like I don’t push my non religious views on other people, I don’t push my beliefs on animals either. For instance, my pet bird Baby died a few weeks back. Baby had been with us for a few years. She lead a rough life. She was found outside 5 years back, dirty and missing a claw. We brought her in, and she chilled. It wasn’t always peaches and cream, but she was a good bird. And then she died. A part of me knew she was going to a place with endless millet. Strange? Yes, probably.
3) Karma. Karma isn’t a Christian belief. Not under that name at least. But for some reason, that concept has always stuck strong with me. Cosmic balance? I don’t know. I always do my best to put good things out there. Add positivity rather than negativity. Another example. No idea why, but I’m obsessed with Massachusetts Saftey Inspection stickers on cars. Once a year, each car has to be inspected. They check safety, emissions, … the usual car load. And if the sticker expires, expect a stupid ticket. So now, whenever I see an expired sticker, I try to make sure the person is made aware. This has been much harder lately with a mouth wired shut, but yesterday, I saw a sticker expired. I pulled a 3″x5″ card out of my pocket (that’s how I communicate with people for the next 15 hours – fuck yes) and wrote a quick note about the sticker. I was worried the note would fade in the rain. Today when I parked my car, I saw the expired sticker car. Guess what? It had a brand new 2008 inspection sticker on it. That was me elevating the positivity in my little parking lot.
Going forward, I hope all you folks add a little positivity to your small world. Don’t push your beliefs on others, let people do their own thing. Skip that burger, get a big salad. Up the positive.
Oh yeah, go Celtics! 2008, baby.
Hows my Edge? Not so good since I am not sxe. Hardcore has become about materialism thanks to sites like Hows my Edge. It is pretty cool to look at some of the rare stuff people have but it also definitely stinks of materialism. I remember a time when most kids into hardcore were poor, sxe or not, and merch was cheaper and/or given out for free. But now hardcore is for the rich little bastards that are singing along to lyrics that 80 percent of them cannot relate too. No wonder why many great bands get disillusioned and break up. It is also one of the reasons why Ian Mackaye wants nothing to do with the scene he started. I don’t blame him one bit.
I had planned on breaking this paragraph down sentence by sentence. But I won’t. It’s just too mind boggling of an issue.
For those of you who don’t think we’ve ruined hardcore, thanks for sticking around the last 7 years (fuck, 7 years. That’s a long time). Big shout outs to anyone who’s been trading on those lists since the old xmulletx days!