Shout outs to Larry.
Right Idea – Demo 2007

Right Idea is everything good about new and upcoming hardcore currently. I can’t believe how good this demo is. No serious, fully backed. This is straight up, youth crew style hardcore from Cleveland. This demo makes me think of Side By Side, Our Turn, … everything I love about hardcore. Some true PMA going on here. This review is probably coming off “fanboy” like but shit, this demo is that fucking good. It’s like a ray of sunshine in a sea of mosh metal. Stoked.

Also, the demo (on CASSETTE, hell yeah!) I received has features 3 classic looking varsity jackets. A Right Idea one, Chris Daily’s Smorgasboard one and the Youth of Today Free At Last one. I remember trying to get the YOT one off of Christie a few years back, and he just stopped replying. I see it ended up in good hands. Now I wish I owned a varsity jacket. Someone hook me up!
To sum it up: dumb if you don’t.
Big Day On Ebay …
First up is the test press for the In My Eyes Nothing To Hide LP. I believe Scott P once offered to off someone for one of these. It’s pretty amazing, but that BIN is mind boggling.
Next up is 5 different Uniform Choice LPs. All Screaming For Change, but all different color variations. Getting Wishingwell LPs on color vinyl is pretty damn hard (unless you are talking about the insted lp, that seems to always be around in white vinyl). In this auction, you get 5 different ones. All the real color pressings and a few variation colors. Dope. You should also note that he says ” i have atleast 30 uc colors in my collection, and somewhat 3 complete sets of these colors…” Good lord!
Sadly, the owner is selling them to buy a Nirvana EP. I think it is safe to assume that he is high. Those BIN prices pretty much back up my claim (even if the BIN on the UC was $2.5k last night, and is now reduced to $2.2k. Yikes).
My Birthday is a Month Away …
That’s not asking too much, is it? Got to aim high, right? In reality, I’d just be happy to get a pair of these: air structure triax 91. Size US 12-13. You have to love those OG colors.

Good luck!
Youngblood Records Showcase + Bane

Youngblood Records 2008 Showcase Saturday, May 3rd.
Iron Age
Set To Explode (2nd to last show!)
Lion of Judah
Mind Eraser
Fired Up
Police & Thieves
Coptic Times (their East Coast debut)
and friends
The First Step
Government Warning
Right Idea (their East Coast debut)
+ a few possible surprises
$15.00. 2:00 PM.
At Champion Ship
52 Rear Market St.,
Lemoyne, PA 17043
Get into it. Think of the crucial hang sessions. Ritter, Gene, Bedard, Zach, BM, Steb, Aram, Aaron, Greg, Fred, CC, Dave Byrd, … You’re dumb if you miss this (ooooffffff zzzzziiiinnnnggggg).
Skate or … SHOP! Pt 2

Jump the alligator? Someone did it last night.

LOL. I wish I had stood behind someone trying to find the Verizon store with that map.
Of course, since all the shooting was in the Rainforest Cafe, the food shop was closed and has been closed for 2 days now. I have never seen more unhappy kids in the mall EVER. Sooo sad.
NGC: Inside Straight Edge

One thing to note about this poster: plenty of New England love. Johnny Limit, Jeff Youth Attack, Dan Gonyea. I don’t know the others. I’m sure they are lovely people though.
Skate or … SHOP!

These are actually mall directory signs. The white piece of paper says something like “this is a scene prop, NOT actual mall directory information.” Lol.

Maybe some hand plants on the mall planter?

This one went up yesterday or the day before. Immediately upon seeing it, I knew what it was for. What mall would have such an item? Who knows.

Someone must have been doing some gnarly wall rides last night. This guy is busy painting some coping and cleaning off some tire marks.
First, I’ll apologize for this pic. Some lady was busy painting the rocks and the staff didn’t looked psyched about me standing there.

With this ramp, you could literally jump the … alligator. Yeap, right over the alligator into the rain forest cafe.

These “benches” just look ill. Metal coping on the edges, plenty of room to work with. Not bad at all. There are a few of these scattered around the mall.
That’s all. Sorry for all the bad play on words. I couldn’t help myself. Peace.
Broke another Cardinal Sin …
1) A couple of things. It’s looking more and more festive everyday.

2) While in the Gap, two ladies approached me asking about the availability of a product. When I told them I didn’t work there, they looked confused and then one lady said, “It must be because you look so stylish.” My mom would be so proud.
3) There was a ton of activity over by the Gamestop today. Good times.
4) First celeb spotting. As I was getting on the escalator, Erick Avari was getting off. I couldn’t recall why I knew him. For a minute, I just figured he was a goofy dude I worked with. Then I realized he was Cecil from Mr. Deeds. That’s where I broke rule #1. No pic.
That’s all for today, folks. Is my blog turning into a mini Perez Hilton / gossip column? Shit, I hope not. I’m just trying to keep people in the loop on my day to day. Word.
Peace in the middle east!
I Broke Edge …
I know, I know. You’re probably thinking someone pranked me hard as a kid forever making me hate a time honored tradition of pranking. Not the case. I don’t mind a good prank. But I do hate April Fools’ Day. Here are my reasons. The list is pretty short.
1) Too predictable. I mean, c’mon. It’s almost a national holiday here. Everyone knows you are going to do something stupid. It isn’t a mystery. We see it coming.
2) A lot of pranks are mean spirited. There is no PMA in mean spirited pranks. Wack. I’ve got the PMA.
And those are my reasons. Short and sweet. As an example of a prank gone wrong, I give you today on the local Hip Hop station.
It began yesterday as Ramiro began setting up the prank. He kept talking about a big meeting with the General Manager of JAMN 94.5 and the stalling contract negotiations. Of course he took it over the top and began name calling the GM. “TOM … OCONNEL … SUCKS … ELEPHANT … BALLS.” Puh-lease. Like no one saw this coming? Easy set up.
Then today, the intro music was replaced, Pebbles and Ramiro “were given the boot.” And they were replaced by Sippy and The Box. A couple of fresh faced kids with no prior experience who were supposedly related to the GM. Completely unbelievable. Who replaces one of the highest rated radio host duos with a couple of hack kids? If they had been replaced by afternoon DJs or someone else from the channel, the believe-ability would have gone way up. Then there was Melissa’s bad acting. She’s the third wheel on the Ramiro And Pebbles morning show. She kept saying, “C’mon, don’t say that. We need to keep these listeners.” And then she would play one ridiculous phone call after another. UGH. Terrible. It’s almost a slap in the face to every listener. “Our listeners are so stupid, they’ll fall for anything.” That’s the message I got out of this weak ass prank.
This could have been an all-star prank but they fell super hard into predictable land. They probably even hurt their reputations going forward for believing their audience was so dense. I actually felt embarrassed for them. Poor execution was shaming.
Hopefully that lackluster prank demonstrates why I hate April Fools’ Day. I just do. It’s just sad. Nuff said.