Hows my Edge? Not so good since I am not sxe. Hardcore has become about materialism thanks to sites like Hows my Edge. It is pretty cool to look at some of the rare stuff people have but it also definitely stinks of materialism. I remember a time when most kids into hardcore were poor, sxe or not, and merch was cheaper and/or given out for free. But now hardcore is for the rich little bastards that are singing along to lyrics that 80 percent of them cannot relate too. No wonder why many great bands get disillusioned and break up. It is also one of the reasons why Ian Mackaye wants nothing to do with the scene he started. I don’t blame him one bit.
I had planned on breaking this paragraph down sentence by sentence. But I won’t. It’s just too mind boggling of an issue.
For those of you who don’t think we’ve ruined hardcore, thanks for sticking around the last 7 years (fuck, 7 years. That’s a long time). Big shout outs to anyone who’s been trading on those lists since the old xmulletx days!