What Do You Know About Karma?

If you know me, you know I’m not a religious man. I don’t hang with buddha, mohammed or jehovah. It isn’t my deal. I grew up in a quiet, hands off Christian household. No overbearing catholics, no crazy zealots. But still it wasn’t something I could hang with. I don’t know, it just wasn’t something I felt deep down. But a few points come out of this discussion.

1) If someone is religious, I let them be. I’m not pushing my non religion on people, and I hope they aren’t pushing their religion on me. I let them do their thing, and I hope they let me do my thing.

2) When an animal or pet dies, some part of me knows they are going to a better place. Is that hypocritical? Maybe. But just like I don’t push my non religious views on other people, I don’t push my beliefs on animals either. For instance, my pet bird Baby died a few weeks back. Baby had been with us for a few years. She lead a rough life. She was found outside 5 years back, dirty and missing a claw. We brought her in, and she chilled. It wasn’t always peaches and cream, but she was a good bird. And then she died. A part of me knew she was going to a place with endless millet. Strange? Yes, probably.

3) Karma. Karma isn’t a Christian belief. Not under that name at least. But for some reason, that concept has always stuck strong with me. Cosmic balance? I don’t know. I always do my best to put good things out there. Add positivity rather than negativity. Another example. No idea why, but I’m obsessed with Massachusetts Saftey Inspection stickers on cars. Once a year, each car has to be inspected. They check safety, emissions, … the usual car load. And if the sticker expires, expect a stupid ticket. So now, whenever I see an expired sticker, I try to make sure the person is made aware. This has been much harder lately with a mouth wired shut, but yesterday, I saw a sticker expired. I pulled a 3″x5″ card out of my pocket (that’s how I communicate with people for the next 15 hours – fuck yes) and wrote a quick note about the sticker. I was worried the note would fade in the rain. Today when I parked my car, I saw the expired sticker car. Guess what? It had a brand new 2008 inspection sticker on it. That was me elevating the positivity in my little parking lot.

Going forward, I hope all you folks add a little positivity to your small world. Don’t push your beliefs on others, let people do their own thing. Skip that burger, get a big salad. Up the positive.

Oh yeah, go Celtics! 2008, baby.

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