Life doesn’t get much better than that!
Life doesn’t get much better than that!
The Golden Age is a band I can really get into. I’m not sure what exactly grabs me, but it grabs tight. Could be the mixture of sounds. Like a weird cross of Set Your Goals (minus a lot of pop and a singer, of course) and Earth Crisis. Or maybe mid-era Lifetime and Count Me Out. It’s a great little mix.
Of course, the epic Straight Edge anthems don’t hurt either. I’m going on record right now saying, “The Constant may be the Straight Edge anthem of 2009.” And as you know, the year is only halfway over. I love a great fucking straight edge sing along. It’s not generic youth crew, but it’s got balls. “A song can change your life and open your eyes, transform energy, reveal what’s inside!”
These dudes are going out on tour with a couple of great bands this summer: No Harm Done and Offsides. Three excellent bands worthy of all your attention. So when they play, quit texting and mosh hard. If you don’t heed my warnings and are IMing your friends all night, you’ll have to scour Ebay the next day because you’ll WANT this CD. Pick up some merch while your at it, bub.
Inhuman is for Brooklyn Bastards. If you don’t know what I mean, then chances are, you are not a Brooklyn Bastard. These guys have love and pride for their little borough. And it isn’t in a I-ride-a-fixed-gear-bike-and-wear-floppy-hats sense. But rather the roots of Brooklyn. Remember that movie Gangs Of New York? I can envision Leonardo moshing to the music of Inhuman while waging an all out street war. I can’t really picture Leonardo flying his little airplane to the tunes of Inhuman though. That just would not work.
This last album has a strong resemblance to modern era Sick Of It All or Madball. Lots of heavy, fast tunes, with that nod to more melodical hardcore. Merely a nod. No full blown crooning here.
Not sure if this album is still in press. I’d guess so. Mike handed me a copy at the SOIA/Bane/Capital/Inhuman gig so the band still has them. If that doesn’t help you, you can always check out Ebay.
Here is some info for a new No Harm Done / Offsides “Split”. Both bands have new tracks up, just starting today, and are touring a ton. No Harm Done is out for three months, just finishing a month with Static Radio before picking up Offsides and continuing on. Offsides joins July 1.
Tour Info
www.myspace.com/noharmdoneflSplit EP
www.seafoamrecordings.bigcartel.com/product/no-harm-done-offsides-split-7SFR-005 – No Harm Done/Offsides Split 7″
Seafoam Recordings & In My Heart Records are proud to announce that preorders are now up here for the No Harm Done / Offsides split 7″. The split features 3 new songs from both bands. Check out “Goodbye” from No Harm Done here & “With Great Honor” from Offsides here. We are doing a special for the preorders, for $20 shipped in the US, you get all 3 colors of the NHD/Offsides split and 2 other Seafoam 7″s (Year One 7″ & Altus/AKNT Split 7″).
There you have it. Go out and support these rad bands & labels. Do it.
Well, you are wrong. This is perhaps my finest concept ever.
I toss them into my iced lattes. Espresso + soy milk ice cubes + soy milk. That way, the espresso NEVER gets watered down.
Lets just get right into it. April was semi slow, but if you dug deep enough, you could really score some gems for cheap. Somethings sold for surprisingly cheap, while others skyrocketed. It’s the signs of the times, I guess.
Click here to see more tees …
Lets just get right into it. April was semi slow, but if you dug deep enough, you could really score some gems for cheap. Somethings sold for surprisingly cheap, while others skyrocketed. It’s the signs of the times, I guess.
This shirt is classic. Classic logo, classic design, classic colourway. It breaks my heart that it only sold for $11. Kids are slipping.
Now this shirt by Down To Nothing is a current classic. I really enjoy this shirt. The font is nice and big, easy to read from across the room, and the message is great. A nice feature is that it DOES NOT SAY Down To Nothing on it. What about that? Great shirt.
Just another quality looking tshirt. Every time I peep this shirt, the Warzone Super Bowl of Hardcore tee comes to mind. I’m 100% positive that was the inspiration for this one. Great shirt.
Here’s a laid back Floorpunch shirt. No mention of “Straight Edge” but that’s cool, I guess. I think if the logo had been screened on straighter, it would have jacked the price higher. A great tee. Anyone got one in Large for me?
This shirt rules. No doubt. Jay Bil designed this one up. And then Jason Barrow GAVE them away to any kid who walked into Anchors Up that was X’ed up. What about that? He gave away these shirts. Great shirt.
The Final Mosh tee. Not many were made. Probably a top 5 show for me. Such an amazing time. Check youtube for the video. It was bananas start to finish. Great show, great 3 sided tee. Pretty decent price too.
In the mid 90s, Rev Records was big on embroidery. Maybe everyone was, but I distinctly remember Rev doing all sorts of embroidered stuff. I specifically recall an Into Another hoodie at my local Bull Moose. It was there for months. It was a XXL maroon hoodie with the giant Into Another star logo embroidered on it in a deep purple. Such a wackie hood. I wish I had picked it up. I wish I had not slept on this crewneck too. Crewneck – Crucial. Revelation Records – Crucial. Embroidered – … Crucial? Well, at least it’s pretty fucking awesome.
It seems weird to me that these two Have Heart items went for so cheap. Maybe the market is saturated, but I would have expected them to jump in price with the break up rumors coming true. Great design, and a HUGE “Straight Edge.” You know I like that.
Right Brigade is awesome. So is this tee. Someone got a steal for a lousy $12. That’s the price of 3 lattes from Starbucks. Someone won big.
I was pretty curious to see what this tee would do. I spotted it on ebay and took it for an older boot. That’s the case. Turns out it is an early to mid 90s Chris Kelly (97A, Straight and Alert Fanzine) boot. Quality repro, no doubt. If it hadn’t broken the $40 mark, I would have snagged it. WAY better than that Hundreds x Chain Of Strength collab.
I love this band. Great tee too.
Another simple, classic tee. Too bad it’s pit stained. Maybe that’ll oxyclean out. Good luck to the winner on that one. A great tee, regardless. Follow Through Crew!
Here’s an older Uniform Choice shirt. It’s not 4 or even 3 sided, but it’s still damn cool. I was a little surprised at how low it ended honestly. Like I said, kids are crazy. And since Casali already owns one, you didn’t have to fight him for it!
Here we see another Jay Bil masterpiece. Funny note from the auction:
The print is numbered 38of50 and signed by “Jay Balls” (no idea what that stands for, sorry if it’s obvious).
That made me laugh. Jay Bil kills it with this one. I contemplated picking it up as the one I have is roughed up, but I slept. Look at that lineup! So ridic. CBGBS rip.
Remember when bright orange XL longsleeves were the rage? Or maybe a dark mustard XXL tee. Wow. This is a cool longsleeve but the color is a little too wild for most. That could explain the price tag it ended with. Good pick up for the winner of that one.
Side By Side rules. This demo tee was always a little silly for my taste, but you can’t knock Side By Side. A great repro that went wildly under the radar.
Straight from the Jersey Shore, Hardware Fanzine came with this great shirt. The fanzine put out two shirts. Both are great. I like the grey one a little more. I’m pretty anti-partial to black shirts at this point. Give me ash grey or white.
Cold World always hit hard in the merch arena. They always had some sort of crazy rip off tee. Whether it was North Face, Side By Side or BAPE, they always put out a great shirt. This one is nice in that it is SIMPLE. A one color BAPE rip off. I like it (even though it is a black tee).
Bidding started at $99 for this watch and it didn’t move for days. Then someone jumped on that BIN price and got themselves a great looking watch. Condition seems great. Good for them.
What’s the deal with this longsleeve? I’m just not sure. Was it reprinted at some point? Everyone of these longsleeves I have seen have been beat to shit. I’ve owned FOUR in my lifetime, and they were all super faded and semi shredded. Either a) this guy found a gem or b) this is some reprint. I know the seller had some boots/repros up at the same time so I just don’t know.
There you have it folks. April & May. Good times. Peace.
The Hundreds got together with some old hardcore heads in the street wear scene: Johnny Cupcakes, Benny Gold, maybe Ryan Hoffman too, and came up with these designs. Some of you may know Bobby Hundreds from the hardcore scene. He’s been down for many years now. I don’t know what to say about these shirts though. It seems like they were be out of place in the Hardcore scene AND the Street wear scene. Maybe it’s just me. Hell, I was complaining earlier about how solo Morrissey stuff is boring. And many people proclaimed, “it’s just you.” Could happen twice in one day. Weirder things have gone down before.
For the full scoop on the designers and shirts, click here. You can check eBay for the previous round of Hardcore shirts (H2O, Avail, …) that hit the street.
Yeah, we were close. WAY better than HDTV, that’s for sure. Also, we were right behind the Jays on deck circle and happened to be sitting next to two drunk yellers. They probably threw out hundreds of terrible one liners. But every now and then, they hit a gem.
“Barajas, you suck. Varitek is a better catcher than you.”
“Hey, Millar, cowboy up, you douchebag.”
They had a few more gems that really escape me now. Out of hundreds of one liners, they probably had 5. Not worth it, really.
All in all, we had a great time. The Sox won too. Thanks Auntie Ann!
For any Livewire posters who might have looked for an alternative during our recent 4 day server nightmare, just a quick note to let you know the board is up and running!
Click the link below to check it out: http://forums.livewire-records.com/list.php?f=1
Livewire Records
Ps. The main Livewire site is still down and the message board is missing any graphics linked to the main site. We expect to be back to normal by tomorrow morning.
So there you go. Bring the love. Trade me your stuff!
I hope it has a good parking lot as I can see a lot of kids coming out for this one. That’s the only thing I worry about that place. Maybe I should look into the VFW hall in Hudson. Great parking lot!