Much larger than a Venti or the Dunkin’s Bucket
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Much larger than a Venti or the Dunkin’s Bucket
I saw this giant cup floating atop a new Dunkin’s Donut location in Brighton. I was pretty amused by its giantness. Impressive, eh?
Next up was the Watertown diner. Food was required and it was noon. Breakfast food seemed appropriate. This place was pretty cool. It was basically a regular diner that happened to have soy milk and a few vegan options. I went with the pancakes. Pete called me a loser for getting the short stack (then again, I did get a coffee soy shake to go with it, and a large cranberry juice).

Extra syrup, please
The largest mound of bacon I have ever seen
Then, we went to all sorts of stores. Concepts, Bodega, Puma, G-Star, Niketown, Barneys, … We even tried to hit Laced but couldn’t find parking. We topped it off with a trip to Re-up. I entered every store with my camera but somehow forget to take pics in ANY of them. DOH.
Here’s me driving by The Collection. Yeap, that’s the new name of the Natick Mall. The Collection. How stupid is that? What rocket scientist PR firm came up with that crap? Lame.

Nieman Marcus and Nordstrom. Maybe sales racks will be overflowing with Nike
Everything to the right of that junction box didn’t exist 18 months ago
So that wraps up my Saturday. NikeTalkers will appreciate these, I’m sure.