No Tolerance. Boston Straight Edge. This EP was released by 540 Records (which you will never be able to find any useful information online about. Just know it is a record label in a dude’s house somewhere in Texas. Actually, sounds like the start of something great, really). This is actually a re-release. It was initially released by Edge Day Records on cassette. I have one kicking around here somewhere, but I got a copy of the vinyl ep and gave it a spin. Wouldn’t you know it, the music on the record sounds equally as awesome as the music on the cassette. No joke, this EP rips. It was originally recorded by DFJ and CC. Right there, you have a winning combo. DFJ did drums and vocals, CC did guitar and bass. Solid lineup, but not a good touring unit. So they pulled in Casey Watson for 2nd guitar duties, Doug Free on bass (like he needed another band. He’s racking them up like DFJ now) and Rifkin on drums. That’s right, DFJ does vocal duties. And he’s out front, not behind a drum riser with a weirdo mic set up. And this layout really works for the band. DFJ has a very intense front man style. Think Dwid. Very angry, very straight edge (but not on the Chorus / Path end of the spectrum). The live show really sets them apart. Hell, I think I even saw Cushman almost mosh to their set. He definitely had me pick up one of their tees for him. That’s saying something. Serious biz.
If you can find this EP, I highly suggest you pick it up. Check eBay as I can’t tell you ANYWHERE else you can find this ep. Unless you visit Chris Corry at his house, I literally can’t point you anywhere you can find this EP.
Boston Straight Edge! Drug Free Youth!