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A Turning Point shirt sold for less than a Stop And Think shirt? How does that happen? And this is coming from a guy who LOVES Stop And Think. Just a little odd.
Ugh, this shirt. So cool and uncool at the same time. Such a toss up.
$1.04. $1.04? $1.04!?!?! How is this even possible? I’ve seen kids spend 100 times this on various shirts. My mind has been blown.
Now I know something is wrong. A How’s Your Edge? shirt sold for 30 times a Cold World shirt. How does that happen? Cool shirt. Michiel Walrave artwork. SUPPORT!
Now here are a few items you can still get if you don’t blow it. Get bidding.
Man, I love crewneck sweatshirts. And Floorpunch. The marriage of two awesome enterprises fir sure.
There are two of these out there. NY Wolfpack! C’mon. Steve Reddy. Equal Vision Records. EVR. Man.
Every GB fan should own one of these. Any deep pocketed or extremely lucky GB fan, that is. I was lucky enough to stumble upon one for cheap. Great record.