Tiny Bubbles …

Do you ever have those days where nothing seems to go your way? That’s been my work life for the last 2-3 days. Thursday was intensely frustrating. So frustrating, in fact, that I frequently asked myself, “what the fuck am I doing here?” It was one of those days. And it made me take stock of my current place in life. I quickly began running down all the major events that had brought me to where I am: graduating high school then college, melissa, trips to France, London, Iceland, getting married, Briggs, Tucker, … All the important events and activities in my life. I quickly realized that I have it good — that all my major events easily out weigh one day of crap.

It was my drove home that night which helped reaffirm my faith in civilization. Despite having nothing to do with civilization or people. Check that blurry picture. What you see there is a field I drive by twice a day. It’s about halfway through my journey to or from work. This is Bridge Street, a road that cuts between rt 117 and rt 2. It can be pretty busy with commuter traffic. But that night around 7:30pm (yes, I worked until at least 7pm that day. Ugh), I saw a sight that made me pull over. In the field, in that blurry pic, were 12 deer. Just chilling. Eating grass and enjoying life. It made me realize that the little shit is just that.

Of course, Friday at work was 8 hours of mind numbing frustration. I left work essentially raging. For most people, it would have been an appropriate occasion to hit happy hour HARD. Instead, I got home for a dog walk and BBQ tofu. Not sure how the wife knew, but a favorite dinner and a fun walk was all I needed to snap out of a mind grueling funk.

We had a great weekend and I was ready to attack Monday with vigor. Up early for a dog walk and a great iced soy latte. The wife is a pro. And I stumbled upon a grail on ebay. A NDS pair of Savier Trainer Lux Brazils in my size! And for WAY less then any site has been offering recently (like 1/6th that price). But upon getting to work, I’m greeted by angry “you broke the build” emails and instant messages. I barely had my jacket off before people were breaking down my door.

Back to tiny miracles. 3 people backed me up in our weekly meeting, saying how they gave me false information on Friday, saving me some face. Things all started to turn around. To top it all off, after I took a power walk to blow off steam, I hit up Starbucks. I was chatting with the dude who my wife calls my “barista boyfriend.” We were discussing the usual shit: weekends, weather, … you know. He rang up the lady in front of me, grabbed a cup for an iced latte for me, continued to tell me stories, and then rang up the guy behind me. The money in my hand never left my hand except to go back in my pocket. Yes, that’s right. Free.99.

Ok, this has surely devolved into a crappy Livejournal post, but it was semi-therapeutic for me. Hopefully you weren’t too bored and could actually make sense of my ramblings. Until next time. Peace!

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