Cosmic Balance

Today was, without a doubt, a shitty day. The weather sucked, my alarm going off at 5:15am sucked, my one day weekend sucked, … lots of things sucked. Highest on the sucking meter was working from 8:30am until nearly 8pm. That’s just not cool. Especially when I leave my driveway at 7:20am and pull back in at 8:30pm. Just not cool. Things just felt off all day long. And I don’t know why.

Then I come home to find an empty house. Actually, two sleeping dogs and a noisy bird. But I also come home to a package from a friend. Earlier in the week, he told me to watch my mailbox as he was sending me something. He also didn’t mention what was in the package. Just said to keep an eye out. Well, today, it arrived.

That’s right. Homeboy sent me a Bane tshirt. And not just any Bane tshirt. The first WHITE Bane tshirt the band ever made. And shockingly, this one is STILL white, despite being 9 years old. This shirt is fucking cool, in my book. I’m planning on enjoying the hell out of it. The note was pretty amusing too.

Mr. Murphy
Hope this finds you well. Consider this a gift. No, it’s not Anthrax or a trip back in time to the Anthrax, nor a show featuring Scott Ian’s Anthrax. I know you’ll appreciate it. But as the ol Godfather saying goes, “one day, you may be called on to repay this favor.” HAHA, seriously man, enjoy!
Stay True”

So there you have it. A cool free shirt, and an uplifting note. My chi and all that shit is now realigned.

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