Apologies …

I need to apologize for neglecting all my people. I have updates to post, but I’ve been hella busy. For the last month, I’ve been working Saturdays and at least 50 hour weeks. And then for the last week and a half, I’ve been driving into Cambridge every morning for 7am (leaving my house around 6am) and then leaving at 7pm and arriving home for 8pm — long days certainly. So I apologize, I apologize.

Here’s a story from my morning that I found heart warming. Yeah, I’m turning mushy in my old age.

I’ve been driving into Cambridge early in order to beat traffic. Most mornings, I arrive before 7am. But testing doesn’t begin until 8:30. So that gives me some time to walk around Cambridge. Some mornings, I sit on a bench and people watch. This morning, I walked down to the Cambridge Bike Store and back. Lots of fixed gear bikes up in there, including the Obey X Fuji fixed gear. Looked weird in person.

After that, I walked back to the Clear Conscience Cafe (part of the Harvest Market) which had just opened. They guy behind the counter and I were discussing my hard plastic Starbucks cup. He was angered by Starbucks practices, but like me, was truly amazed by the cup. Great cup. In his amazement, he ended up pouring me a hot americano even though I specified iced.

At this point, an older Cambridge native was in line behind me. He had a pretty long beard, was pushing 60 years old and looked like he spent a lot of time reading novels by Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre. The counter guy apologized for pouring me the wrong drink and was going to pour it out for himself. The older gent behind me asked what it was. Realizing it was exactly what he was going to order, he told the guy to pour it out for him. The counter guy said it was on the house. I then ordered 2 vegan scones. One for me, one for the older gent.

Needless to say, the older guy was truly amazed. He was a little confused, but I gladly and willingly offered him a scone. So he got a free americano and a scone. He commented on how everyone was so generous today. I told him to pay it forward and at that exact moment, I think his eyes got misty. It was like his faith in human kind was restored.

He then went on to tell me how he was going to visit his daughter today, and he was sure it was going to be a great day. It started off so nicely that I have to agree with him. Today is a good day. Life is good. Enjoy it. Peace.

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