All About Biking

Lately, I’ve been very UP on cycling. I’ve been trying to ride as much as possible. You can imagine that’s difficult when you have

a) dogs that need walking
b) a mortgage that needs paying
c) a house that needs upkeep
d) a job that needs to be kept

Yes, all these things can add up, but I’ve been squeezing in miles whenever I get a chance. And not just that, but I’ve started to religiously follow various biking blogs. Everything from NYC Bike Snob to Fat Cyclist all the way over to prolly. Each of those guys has an extreme view coming from completely different angles of the sport & culture (especially in prolly’s case).

At the end of the day, it’s all motivation to go out and ride. And that’s what I’ve been doing. I introduced my commuter ride a over 12 months ago, and here you can see it in action.

Day #1:

Getting the job done (or getting to the job):

Here’s a sweet view from my office. Check the conference room in the back of the following pic.

(did you notice the poorly attached saddle bag? Whoops, it’s been fixed since then)

There’s something wrong with the heating system in that room so I frequently have to put up with loud, open door meetings. Usually it isn’t so bad. Sometimes, however, there’ll be that one ungodly loud telecon speaker. Oooofffff, diss.

That picture was actually taken one Saturday when I had to come in. Yeah, not cool, but at least it gave me the opportunity to ride. When it all boils down, that’s what it is about. Getting out and riding. So coming from a bike that was found in my friend’s basement, I think we’ve come a pretty long way. And look forward to going even further.

Now get out and ride.

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