Webstore + Upcoming Shows!

You can once again buy t-shirts and music from us via the internet. We have stocked it with every single shirt we have and some goodies we had laying around. We'll also be throwing some special treats up there in the coming days, keep your eyes open.
We also have a weekend of shows coming up, here's the info:
Friday May 16th /Lion of Judah /Surroundings /Radio War /Redemption /$6.00. 6:00PM
At Ramakins /818 W. Broad St. /Richmond, VA 23220
Saturday May 17th /Lion of Judah /Surroundings /Drug Money /6:00 PM /@ Tina's House
Frederick, MD /e-mail for directions: thrashandburn13@msn.com
Sunday May 18th /Reign Supreme /Lion of Judah /Surroundings /Mindset /Hostage Calm
4:00 PM $7.00 /330 South Pine St. /York, PA /17403/ http://myspace.com/yorkshows
Monday May 26th /Kids Like Us /Trapped Under Ice /The Mongoloids /Lion of Judah
Jerk City /Bad Habit /The Sidebar Tavern /220 E. Lexington /Baltimore, MD
More updates on the Euro tour will follow.

Hope your April showers have brought May flowers.
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