HYE Personnel
In 2003, Jim moved to Providence. He also moved away from the day to day aspects of HYE? Slowly, he faded out. That left Casali and B. Murphy. More and more, Brian began managing the reviews, the shirt posting, the edgebreak list, ... At times, Casali was just the silent, paying partner. Time moved on, and Casali did too. It was apparent that he wanted out. He'll claim he "never really helped do anything, anyway." Maybe he was right, but it was sure nice when he would pay that yearly bill. At the end of 2005, Casali broke out. But don't for a minute assume you have seen the last of him; he's got new projects in the works, so keep your eyes peeled. Then there was one: B. Murphy One last note: Casali and Brian are all still edge. As of 2008 (or was it 2007) Jim C no longer has the edge.
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